

Codewars API v1 is minimal and inconsistent. It was never actively developed.

API v2 is planned, but there's no ETA at the moment.


Not required. API v1 endpoints are all public.


API v1 endpoints responds with JSON (application/json).

Users API

Get User

Returns a user information.



  "username": "some_user",
  "name": "Some Person",
  "honor": 544,
  "clan": "some clan",
  "leaderboardPosition": 134,
  "skills": [
  "ranks": {
    "overall": {
      "rank": -3,
      "name": "3 kyu",
      "color": "blue",
      "score": 2116
    "languages": {
      "javascript": {
        "rank": -3,
        "name": "3 kyu",
        "color": "blue",
        "score": 1819
      "ruby": {
        "rank": -4,
        "name": "4 kyu",
        "color": "blue",
        "score": 1005
      "coffeescript": {
        "rank": -4,
        "name": "4 kyu",
        "color": "blue",
        "score": 870
  "codeChallenges": {
    "totalAuthored": 3,
    "totalCompleted": 230

HTTP Request{user}

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
user Username or ID

User Object

Field Type Description
username string Username of the user.
name string Name of the user.
honor number Total honor points earned by the user.
clan string Name of the clan.
leaderboardPosition number The user's position on the overall leaderboard.
skills string[] Array of skills entered by the user.
ranks object Ranks object with overall and language ranks.
codeChallenges object Object with fields totalAuthored and totalCompleted for the number of authored and completed kata respectively.

Ranks Object

Field Type Description
overall object Overall rank.
languages object Ranks for each language trained.

Rank Object

Field Type Description
rank number Rank in integer. [-8, -1] maps to kyu, [1, 8] maps to dan.
name string Either {-rank} kyu or {rank} dan.
color string The color of the rank. Possible colors are white (7-8 kyu), yellow (5-6 kyu), blue (3-4 kyu), purple (1-2 kyu), black (1-4 dan), and red (5-8 dan).
score number The total score earned. This is the number that determines the rank.

List Completed Challenges

Lists challenges completed by a user, 200 items per page. Use page parameter (zero based) to paginate.



  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalItems": 1, 
  "data": [
      "id": "514b92a657cdc65150000006",
      "name": "Multiples of 3 and 5",
      "slug": "multiples-of-3-and-5",
      "completedAt": "2017-04-06T16:32:09Z",
      "completedLanguages": [ 

HTTP Request{user}/code-challenges/completed?page={page}

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
user Username or ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Default
page The page offset. Each page contains at most 200 items. 0

CompletedChallenge Object

Field Type Description
id string ID of the kata.
name string Name of the kata.
slug string Slug of the kata.
completedAt string Date and time of the completion.
completedLanguages string[] Array of languages a user completed in.

List Authored Challenges

List challenges authored by the user.



  "data": [
      "id": "5571d9fc11526780a000011a",
      "name": "The builder of things",
      "description": "For this kata you will be using some meta-programming ...",
      "rank": -3,
      "rankName": "3 kyu",
      "tags": [
        "Programming Paradigms",
        "Advanced Language Features",
        "Domain Specific Languages",
        "Declarative Programming"
      "languages": ["ruby", "javascript", "python", "coffeescript"]
      "id": "51ba717bb08c1cd60f00002f",
      "name": "Range Extraction",
      "description": "A format for expressing an ordered list of integers ...",
      "rank": -4,
      "rankName": "4 kyu",
      "tags": [
        "String Formatting",
      "languages": [

HTTP Request{user}/code-challenges/authored

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
user Username or ID

AuthoredChallenge Object

Field Type Description
id string ID of the kata.
name string Name of the kata.
description string Description of the kata in Markdown.
rank number? Rank of the kata if approved.
rankName string? Rank name of the kata if approved.
tags string[] Array of tags associated with the kata.
languages string[] Array of language names the kata is available in.

Code Challenges API

Get Code Challenge

Return a code challenge information.



  "id": "5277c8a221e209d3f6000b56",
  "name": "Valid Braces",
  "slug": "valid-braces",
  "url": "",
  "category": "algorithms",
  "description": "Write a function called `validBraces` that takes a string ...",
  "tags": ["Algorithms", "Validation", "Logic", "Utilities"],
  "languages": ["javascript", "coffeescript"],
  "rank": {
    "id": -4,
    "name": "4 kyu",
    "color": "blue"
  "createdBy": {
    "username": "xDranik",
    "url": ""
  "approvedBy": {
    "username": "xDranik",
    "url": ""
  "totalAttempts": 4911,
  "totalCompleted": 919,
  "totalStars": 12,
  "voteScore": 512,
  "publishedAt": "2013-11-05T00:07:31Z",
  "approvedAt": "2013-12-20T14:53:06Z"

HTTP Request{challenge}

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
challenge ID or slug

CodeChallenge Object

Field Type Description
id string ID of the kata.
name string Name of the kata.
slug string Slug of the kata.
url string URL of the kata.
category string Category of the kata.
description string Description of the kata in Markdown.
tags string[] Array of tags associated with the kata.
languages string[] Array of language names the kata is available in.
rank object? Object describing the rank of the kata if approved.
createdBy object The author of the kata.
publishedAt string Date and time when the kata was first published.
approvedBy object? The approver of the kata.
approvedAt string Date and time when the kata was approved.
totalCompleted number Total number of completions.
totalAttempts number Total number of attempts.
totalStars number The number of bookmarks.
voteScore number The sum of all votes casted.
contributorsWanted boolean Whether to allow contributions.
unresolved object Object with fields issues and suggestions for the number of unresolved issues and suggestions respectively.

User Object

Field Type Description
username string Username of the user.
url string URL of the user's profile.


Webhooks allows you to receive notifications when events occur.

Like API v1, webhooks feature was never actively developed and poorly documented. It's not very usable at the moment.


Sample Event (Code Challenge Created)

User-Agent: Codewars Hookbot
Content-Type: application/json
X-Webhook-Event: code_challenge
X-Webhook-Secret: some-shared-secret
  "action": "created",
  "code_challenge": {
    "id": "50654ddff44f800200000001",
    "created_by_id": "508f2708b3be0c0200000002"

When an event occurs in the Codewars system, any relevant webhooks will be triggered to the specified URL. Typically, events are categorized into event and actions. Typically an event references what type of model (i.e. code_challenge) and the action references what happened to it (i.e. created).

Webhooks typically contain a very small payload (often times, it only contains the id of some object). You may need to query the rest of the API to get more information about a particular object.

Register your Webhook

Webhook Ping Event

User-Agent: Codewars Hookbot
Content-Type: application/json
X-Webhook-Event: webhook
  "action": "updated",
  "webhook": {
    "id": "53aa3f265b97485984000001"

Visit your Codewars account page and add a webhook. A webhook takes the following input:

Input Meaning
Payload URL The server endpoint that will relieve the webhook payload (e.g,
Secret An optional secret shared between you and our webhook service. Ensures only Codewars is sending you the webhook

Once you create or update your webhook, your endpoint will receive a webhook updated event.

Code Challenges

Sample Webhook Payload

User-Agent: Codewars Hookbot
Content-Type: application/json
X-Webhook-Event: code_challenge
  "action": "<action - i.e. 'created'>",
  "code_challenge": {
    "id": "53aa3f265b97485984000001",
    "created_by_id": "53af25145b97487568000001"

The solution_finalized also includes the following json:

  "solution": {
    "id": "53aa3f265b97485984000001",
    "user_id": "53417de006654f4171000587"

The following actions are supported:

Action Meaning
created Code challenge was created
approved A code challenge was successfully approved (no longer in beta state)
voted Someone voted on the code challenge. Does not specify what type of vote.
solution_finalized Someone submitted a solution to the code challenge


Webhook Headers

User-Agent: Codewars Hookbot
Content-Type: application/json
X-Webhook-Event: user

rank_earned Event

  "action": "rank_earned",
  "user": {
    "id": "53aa3f265b97485984000001",
    "rank": -5
  "language": null

honor_changed Event

  "action": "honor_changed",
  "user": {
    "id": "53aa3f265b97485984000001",
    "honor": 420,
    "honor_delta": 3

The following actions are supported:

Action Meaning
rank_earned The user's rank has been upgraded. Could be a global rank, or a language rank
honor_changed The user's honor has changed (usually in a positive direction)


Codewars uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing, a charge failed, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Codewars' servers.

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Something went wrong
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden -- You do not have permission to access this resource
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json
422 Unprocessable Entity -- Your input failed validation.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're making too many API requests.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.